Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 1

Yay - day 1 of training for the B2B is done! It was just upper body and core strength training (53:17) but it feels good to have taken the official first step toward the half-ironman.

I'm still getting well - mostly well now. It was good to stay home one more day. The snottiness is almost all the way gone. I'm tired but I think that will pass in time too.

Yay! Thanks for all the encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my son has this cold that doesn't seem to want to quit, too. His is mostly cough, though, not snottiness.

    I'm just hoping I don't get it. I'm self-centered like that.

    Way to make it thru that training!

    I followed a link from Calyx Meredith's blog to get here. Can you give me directions on how to get back? Plus: Do you validate parking?
